

The Education without discrimination is also my business project implemented by the Center for Legal Resources aims to contribute to the increase of the visibility and transparency of the public debate on how children are educated within schools from a nondiscriminatory perspective and in order to increase the educational inclusion of those vulnerable. While encouraging the participation in the debate of all relevant actors, including of the representatives of those vulnerable or of those working in the social field, on whom the educational inclusion also depends, the sources of exclusion will be mapped and concrete solutions will be proposed. Using a media campaign, the project aims also to raise the awareness of the large public that an inclusive and nondiscriminatory education is a topic which should interest everybody. In the same time, the project will also promote the idea of an integrated participation of authorities with a mandate in inclusion in order to respond to the multifaceted sources of educational exclusion, at the same time promoting the need for a greater community involvement around the school.


Benefits arising out of the project:

  • An interactive website of the project, focused on inclusive and nondiscriminatory education, linked to social media, that will include: articles, opinions, legislation, examples of best practices in Romania and other countries
  • A raising-awareness campaign on the need for promoting the nondiscriminatory content and practices in and through education
  • Three regional debates in Cluj-Napoca, Craiova şi Iaşi
  • Policy papers and analysis of text-books
  • A national conference in Bucharest

The project is being implemented from January 1st , 2016 to March 31st, 2017 and is co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.

• www.swiss-contribution.ro





81.100,00 CHF (total value of the project) out of which 72.990,00 CHF represents the value of the Swiss co-financing and 8.110,00 CHF is the contribution of the Center for Legal Resources.

About CLR

The Centre for Legal Resources (CRL) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, established in 1998 by the Open Society Foundation, which actively advocates for the establishment and operation of a legal and institutional framework that safeguards the observance of human rights and equal opportunities, free access to fair justice and which contributes to the capitalization of its legal expertise for the general public interest.


In order to achieve this mission, the Centre for Legal Resources benefits from the support of a Steering Board and a professional team specialized in human rights and rule of law.

The Centre for Legal Resources acts on several tiers:

We conduct our own investigations, take over cases of abuses against the rights of institutionalized people with mental disabilities and go through all the necessary trial steps for securing these rights;

We make proposals of improving the human rights legal framework, or for creating a norm where there is none;


We track the way that public policies in the fields of human rights and integrity are being implemented and we identify the vulnerabilities within the system.

For more details regarding our programmes, go here.